Economic construction engineer

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Ngày hết hạn 31/08/2024
Điền thông tin vào "Mẫu đơn xin việc" bên dưới và gửi đi.
ĐI ĐẾN MẪU ĐƠN hoặc liên hệ với chúng tôi
Phone: +84 (0) 288 881 8699

1. Job description

  • Check, track Import – Export – Inventory of materials.
  • Receive and coordinate the use department to check the quality and quantity of goods in stock.
  • Arrange and label supplies according to the order of the warehouse diagram.
  • Exporting materials as required from the User Department.
  • Cleaning warehouse, clean goods. Goods management and import and export according to FIFO process.
  • Combined monthly inventory accounting.
  • Import and export goods into the report after the shift. Transfer import and export documents to accounting

2. Job requirements

  • Graduated from high school or higher in mechanical, electronic, industrial electrical.
  • Proficient in word and excel
  • Agile, careful, persistent, hard-working, able to work under pressure, able to work in shifts.

3. Job description

  • Check, track Import – Export – Inventory of materials.
  • Receive and coordinate the use department to check the quality and quantity of goods in stock.
  • Arrange and label supplies according to the order of the warehouse diagram.
  • Exporting materials as required from the User Department.
  • Cleaning warehouse, clean goods. Goods management and import and export according to FIFO process.
  • Combined monthly inventory accounting.
  • Import and export goods into the report after the shift. Transfer import and export documents to accounting

4. Job requirements

  • Graduated from high school or higher in mechanical, electronic, industrial electrical.
  • Proficient in word and excel
  • Agile, careful, persistent, hard-working, able to work under pressure, able to work in shifts.

Công việc liên quan

Storekeeper of Construction Materials

Ngày hết hạn:

Construction Estimating Engineer

Ngày hết hạn:

Civil Engineer /Electrical/Construction Economics

Ngày hết hạn:

Tuyển dụng

Form ứng tuyển

Nếu bạn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bằng thông tin bên dưới.

    Đính kèm hồ sơ của bạn (rar,zip,doc,docx,pdf, <1MB)